







※他经历了许多不幸,而这只是众多不幸之一 ——— 他被关押的地方,他是如何被对待的

 [Hes been through hard times, and this is just a little taste of how it sucked, how he was treated, the facility he was kept in.]


※脑控词的选择: 选词是根据俄语里他们的发音以及英文的意义想要选择发音听起来就很强硬的,而意义又会引人深思的词。




[Concept is that Bucky is in hiding, he’s in very temporary housing, he knows how to escape from this building, he thought through it a thousand times. He keeps a go bag in the floor. He knows if they came through the stairwell he can go this way, if they came through the roof he can go that way, there’s a reason there’s newspaper on the windows so they can’t see him inside. He knew this time would come, that’s why when he took the gloves off he said ‘it always ends in a fight’, he’s prepared emotionally. 

He knows if he can get to the 8th floor of this 12 floor building, he can jump to the other building. That’s why in the beginning of the fight he threw his backpack out the window, he knew exactly where to go. He knows he needs to get to the Tunnel. He’s thought through all of this. What he didn’t plan on was BP. ]



[Another hard thing: tracking Bucky’s conscious in this movie. He’s at least 3 different people in this movie. 1st Bucky who is not fully aware of his past, but somewhere stranded, remembering what he’s done, remembering who he originally was, trying to put it all together, fully powered. 2nd Bucky: terminator Bucky once Zemo turns him back into Winter Soldier. 3rd Bucky: moral wide Bucky after he wakes up from the brainwash. He remembers more than he remembers in the first scene. ]


Steve已经拒绝了法案,所以如果没有Bucky的话电影是无法继续下去的了,因为不会有冲突。Steve需要有感情投入,而没有人有比Bucky Barnes更能让Steve有感情投入了。

[Steve would have to be invested, and there’s no greater investment than Bucky Barnes]



[Winter soldier behind the shield, this is how we would’ve done it in 1944. Just a play on their friendship and the connection these guys have. They operate as a unit. There’s muscle memory]


※为了让Tony能在第三幕对Bucky真的有杀意,我们需要让他在感情上不稳定。我们用不同的方式去表现Tony Stark,他的道德感和他的自恋相互冲突,而他这次选择为政府放弃自己的自大。他应该为奥创事件负责。你不能一直无视类似奥创的这些事。如果他不从自己的错误中学习的话,我们就不会再对他感兴趣了。(鹰眼在监狱里呛Tony)是他应得的。他这个角色有趣的就是他的缺点,但是如果你和他交往,或如果你是他的朋友或者同事,这就会让你抓狂。他这次不能再不为自己的行动负责了。

[In order for Tony in the 3rd act to actually want to kill Bucky, we need to make him emotionally vulnerable. Take a very different approach to Tony Stark, make him off-balance and emotionally vulnerable, his moral center and his narcissism is coming into conflict with each other, and he has to make a choice to submit his ego to the government. You can’t blow off things like Ultron. If he doesn’t learn from his mistakes, we will eventually get sick of him. [Hawkeye calling out Tony] was all deserved. What’s so fun about this character is his flaws, but if you’re in a relationship with Tony Stark, if he’s a friend or a co-worker of yours, it would certainly be something that would irritate you. Yes, and he certainly should not be let off the hook time and time again.]


[Tony really wants to murder Bucky with his own hands, he wanted to hear him admit that he did it and make him suffer. He also wants to hurt Bucky to hurt Steve, at this point. “You love this thing so much? I’m going to take this away from you.” ]


[There’s one second that will make you believe the shield will cut off Tony’s face, but Cap is not that kind of person. Cap is the kind of person, no matter how much he loses control, at the end of the day, it’s purely trying to end the fight. If you look back at the sequence, that’s about everything that Cap does. Every move that he makes is to disable. ]

这是唯一一次Steve Rogers故意隐瞒实情,因为他的直接告诉他这就会是最终的结果。Steve有意的盲点就是Bucky。”我不想去考虑他也许真的做了这件事。”

[The one time Steve Rogers knowingly withholds the truth is because his gut told him this would be the end result. Steve does have a willful blindspot for Bucky “I don’t want to look at the fact that he probably did this”]



[He’s not apologizing for backing Bucky, he’s apologizing for withholding that information, it was very specific. It does not imply repair between these characters. It’s purely Cap being Cap, stating his culpability in the situation. }







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